I come from a family of teachers and have myself entered the profession, so I am no stranger to frequent and lengthy vacations. And I consistently get snide comments about my schedule being 9 until 3 with summers off, to which I smile and answer, "yeah, it's a sweet gig". But I truly feel holiday time is an essential part of human existence. And not just a teacher's existence.

This post is not meant to be defensive, detailing my need for these holidays because "I work so hard and I'm so stressed out." I can think of many other people who work harder and longer than me and have fewer holidays. But I think those people have got it all wrong. Humans need downtime - those hours after work, days on the weekend, and weeks in a holiday - to recharge their emotional batteries, to restore their health (both mental and physical) and to take time for themselves.
A sociological study was done (can't remember where I read about it) in which workers in France and the United States were offered either a substantial increase in their wages, or a substantial increase in their vacation time. The vast majority of the French workers chose more vacation time, while the Americans mostly chose the increase in wages.

And I believe that just like with their bread, wine and cheese, the French have got it right. They truly see the value of downtime (and anyone who's spent several hours at a table outside a southern French cafe, would agree).
Last time I checked, the French started at four weeks vacation in the first year of any job. The same applies to Australians, who,

after 15 years in the same job, are entitled to "Long Service Leave" during which they get 13 weeks of PAID vacation. So why do Canadians (as I believe we are more like our American neighbours in this aspect) and Americans place a higher value on money than on vacation?
I don't actually know the answer to this question. I don't know why people are compelled/forced/guilted into working way more than they should. Perhaps I am just lazy, or don't love what I do enough, but I believe that work is only a part of one's life and should never fully define who you are. So take some time for yourself. Don't put in that extra hour at work. Book yourself a nice holiday in the sun. Find yourself a sweet gig where holidays are a valued part of the work experience.
Can't believe March Break was so short. Not sure why we don't get two weeks at Easter. When does summer vacation start?
Thanks to:
whose musings for today inspired this post.
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