Then something weird occurred. I happened to hear a Nickelback song during a happy event in my life. And all of a sudden, Nickelback was okay. I bought a couple of tracks from iTunes. I even developed a weird, Neanderthal-crush on Chad Kroeger, who has since been voted the ugliest person in rock in an online poll.
The funny thing is, I can’t actually remember that happy event that made me start to like what I had so abhorred before. It is a perfect illustration of Pavlov’s classical conditioning. The happy event was the unconditioned stimulus, my feelings of joy being the unconditioned response. Nickelback became the conditioned stimulus – I’ve now forgotten that event, but am left with feelings of jocundity at the first few bars of Photograph…
So, Steph, did you get the Nickleback song at trivia last night?
No, wasn't there, but have just realized our less than six degrees of separation...
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