Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Guess the Sport II

These participants are waiting to compete in which event (and in which country if you're feeling sporting)? First correct answer receives a replica pair of briefs, worn in the photo.


Anonymous said...

Obviously you are not a golfer. Gimme question. location's Stan Wadlow park, day after Canada Day

Anonymous said...

Mongolian Gay Pride?

Anonymous said...

korean strip-folk dancing?

Anonymous said...

Gay'n-gez Khans Steppe-Dancing troupe?

Unknown said...



SD said...

Dane, you win the briefs; but my goodness! Confused, you win the "cram-every-geographical/historical-reference/allusion-into-a-witty-title" award. You win...um, a replica version of the off-the-shoulder numbers the boys in the picture are wearing.