Last night was a repeat of Corner Gas in which Paul Martin guest starred in the opening scene, playing the straight man to Brent Butt’s, uh, straight man. This evening, Sam Sullivan, Vancouver’s mayor, spent some time hiking and talking disabilities with Rick Mercer. And as I post this, Peter Mansbridge will be interviewing Stephen Harper.
When compared to our neighbours to the south, it is impressive that our actual Prime Minister had a guest spot on a top-rated sitcom. There’s no way you would see Georgie B. doing a walk-on for Will & Grace. And it was refreshing to see Vancouver’s quadriplegic mayor having no reservations about poking fun at his disability. Too many viewers might be upset by the insensitivity in the States (and actually call the network to complain, like so many did when Janet Jackson’s boob popped out).

And this is what I love about Canadian television: it’s not caught up in religious morals and political appearances. When The Kids of Degrassi Street did a show on homosexuality all those years ago, nobody batted an eyelash, but my god, Ellen coming out on TV was a major left step forward for the Yanks. And while Bush limits his television appearances to awkward exits and serious State of the Union addresses, Paul Martin cracks jokes with Brent Butt and schmoozes with Bono.

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