Apologies to all my faithful readers who, day after day, logged in over the past 6 weeks to the same picture filler, the calming green background devoid of inspirational and thought-provoking words. Sorry to all of you who came to this web address, and wondered what weighty topic would finally put my fingers back on my iBook and draw me out of my blogging slump.
Well, it's the Spice Girls, ladies and gentlemen... and they're reuniting!
Oh, glory be to this 1998 revival! Bring back girl power and sparkly micro-shorts and hit factory tunes that are played in between Madonna and Kylie at gay clubs across the land! (Okay, maybe just in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver!) Bring back Christmas singles and Spice Girls chocolate bars and drunken arguments over the feminist principles of the world's most successful girl band!
But most of all, bring back my blogging already!